
Blizzard Will Soon Release the World of Warcraft Expansion Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Summer got a lot more exciting for World of Warcraft (WoW) fans when Blizzard announced at the end of July its plans to release the World of Warcraft expansion Wrath of the Lich King Classic this fall. It had discussed the possibility in an Apr. live stream but the official announcement has champions buzzing for the newest expansion to the Classic version.

Revisiting an Old Classic for WoW Aficionados

For veteran WoW players, this means a return to one of the most popular storylines to have existed in the series. The War with Arthas reached a pinnacle of success not even Cataclysm could touch. According to reviews, cata can’t hold a candle to the Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion. They’ll get to revisit the scourging of Lordaeron commanded by the royal Lich King or the darkness when Dranosh Saurfang fell to the Lich King just before the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putres. Gradually, these classic crusades will all be brought to new, vibrant light. Dedicated players can register well before the expansion is launched at their chosen retail outlet for first pick at the highly rated classic. Nobody wants to run the risk of missing the bonus of playing with the benefits of new technology, including trying a transmog for their Death Knight or the Skull of Gul’dan himself like never seen before.

Modern Look

With nearly 14 years of new technology created since the original version, it’s a given that the expansion should provide a totally new and improved look. Nevermind what a patch can do to extend a gaming experience, great graphics and a faster internet connection will bring a whole new look to everything from the characters to each location on the map for users to fully enjoy. Perhaps the biggest selling point is that active, longtime players will get to play without the dungeon finder tool. Reviews previously showed that users complained the tool made it challenging for the community to stay interconnected. Despite those complaints, it was largely ignored until now. No longer will users miss out on the sense of community and try to finish an automated browse to find five-player dungeons. Another change teased by a behind the scenes development video shows players will be able to level their beta character to a higher cap of 80 and test features such as flying. For many, these changes signal a new era with a nostalgic favorite.

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Private Servers Ahead of the Game

Many users who prefer private servers know the specific advantages of playing privately. You don’t have to scour through too many posts to see that many gamers don’t like how Blizzard developed the game. Using a private server often means better game play, customization’s and new abilities and classes with a personal touch. For those still exploring servers, the best WoW servers can be found at The bgpvp are more and more preferred but exploring some of the Gtop100 is the best way to find what works and is most comfortable for each individual player. While Blizzard bans some servers that get too popular by letter of the law, this list will help show the most popular and active servers available.

Boosts Available Now

Instead of throwing out a hope that they’re meeting the mark, Blizzard has been listening to their fans’ channels of communication and their most recent boosts released show that. Burning Crusade Classic players adding the Joyous Journeys boost will get a 50% increase in experience gained until the September 26th launch of the Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion. Those who aren’t yet ready for the boost can talk with an innkeeper to disable it. These kinds of scaled improvements benefit the game and help build excitement for opening night. File it all away as a win for WoW gamers.

New Gamers in the Fold

If Blizzard wants to reinvent itself, especially as new owner Microsoft’s takeover is completed, what better way than to upgrade and drop its most popular era to a whole new category of brand new gamers? They may not know Zul’aman from Zul’Farrak or a night elf like Shindao from a Death Knight but they’re about to get a chance to dive into the greatest combinations of intrigue, currencies, storylines and characters all with improved graphics and gaming elements. They’ll get to experience the fight, farm, intrigue and more of WoW all for the first time. There’s plenty of catching up to do.


There’s a new energy among WoW aficionados and that will likely spread throughout its massive community. This return to a classic with just enough minor tweaks to maintain its integrity while offering something new and exciting is just what the doctor ordered.

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