
Where to Find Crimson Agate in Genshin Impact (All Locations)

Dragonspine, like Mondstadt and Liuye, has its own elemental oculus known as Crimson Agate. In comparison to the other two zones, you’ll need to present them to the Frostbearing Tree in exchange for some very sweet prizes.

We’ll discuss the locations of all 80 Crimson Agate in Genshin Impact on this guide, as well as why you’d want to look for them in the firstĀ  place.

Where to Find Crimson Agate in Genshin Impact

As with Anemoculus and Geoculus, Crimson Agate may be found around Dragonspine, as well as in a few chests. There are a total of 80 of them in the wild, although those discovered in chests are not marked on your mini map.

Crimson Agate in Genshin Impact

I’d recommend pinning these locations on your map, even if you’ve already discovered the bulk of them. If you’re having difficulty mounting the mountain or staying warm, consider jumping from the summit and floating down to the base. At the very least, it is faster than climbing.

What is Genshin Impact’s Crimson Wishes?

If you haven’t noticed already, the Frostbearing Tree to which you are presenting your Crimson Agate has 12 levels, each of which requires ten Crimson Agate. Now the difficulty is how to locate the remaining 40.

The answer is the Crimson Wish system, which you gain access to by levelling up the Frostbearing Tree. Crimson Wishes are identical to Daily Commisions, however they are reset weekly on Monday and Friday. You’ll receive five of them following each reset, and the objectives range from clearing out camps to performing trials of some sort.

Completing a Crimson Wish awards you with a single Crimson Agate, which means that it will take you a month to unlock the final level and its prizes.

What are the rewards?

Each of the Frostbearing Tree’s 12 tiers will give you with Mora, a small amount of Mystic Enhancement Ore, and a third, unique prize. The first, second, and fifth levels reward players with a total of five Acquaint Fates, while the sixth level rewards players with two Intertwined Fates, making them ideal for F2P players.

Crimson Agate in Genshin Impact

Along with certain wishes, you’ll have access to some great cosmetics, a polearm billet, a Crown of Insight, and the blueprint for the Frostbearer catalyst. Even though gathering Crimson Agates is difficult, they are well worth the effort.

#1-60 Find Crimson Agate Locations in Genshin Impact

Crimson Agate Locations

1: Collect the Anemograna in order to glide past the barrier guarding this Crimson Agate on the wind current.
2: Suspended above a boat. Collect the Anemograna and glide with the wind currents to obtain this Crimson Agate.
3: Within the confines of a closed Precious Chest. To obtain it, defeat the surrounding Fatui opponents.
4: Beneath the Dragon’s Skull
5: While gliding above some trees, climb to a higher elevation and glide from there.
6: Atop a substantial rib bone.
7: To melt the Crimson Quartz encased in Ancient Rime, you must first utilise a Crimson Quartz.
8: Perched on a narrow ledge.
9: Immediately adjacent to the Frostbearing Tree.
10: Atop a decomposing pine, adjacent to a stone arch.
11: Perched on this rock structure.
12: Floating next to the crown of a tree.
13: Within the confines of a sealed Precious Chest. To obtain it, defeat the surrounding Hilichurl opponents.
14: Inside a luxurious chest that has been locked. Unlock it by resolving the problem.
15: Climb the rock structure; it is surrounded by Ancient Rime. Utilize a Crimson Quartz (there is one nearby) and thenĀ  strike it to melt it.
16: While floating in the air, leap and glide down the slope to get it.
17: Within the confines of a sealed Precious Chest. Unlock it by resolving the problem.
18: Destroy both Ruin Guards and the Ruin Grader. It will be contained within the hole.
19: Climb to a little ruined wall; the Crimson Agate will be seen between the wall and a torch.
20: Within the confines of a closed Precious Chest. To unlock it, you must complete the Time Trial.
21: Within the confines of a sealed Precious Chest. To unlock it, you must complete the Combat Trial.
22: Suspended between two pine limbs.
23: Inside a Valuable Chest
24: Within the confines of a sealed Precious Chest. To unlock it, defeat the Frostarm Lawachurl.
25: After reducing the water level, you’ll see a rock wall beside a wooden gate.
26: The Interior of a Precious Chest.
27: On the ledge above the tent. Bear in mind that it will not be shown on the minimap if you are on ground level.
28: Inside the tent’s Precious Chest.
29: Inside a Valuable Chest
30: To float in the air, you must glide from a greater elevation.
31: On the stone arch’s apex.
32: Within the confines of a closed Precious Chest. To unlock it, defeat the adjacent Ruin Grader.
33: At the summit of the mountain.
34: In a locked Precious Chest, inside a hut. To unlock, defeat the two Ice Shieldwall Mitachurls.
35: Inside the hut’s Precious Chest.
36: On the hut’s roof. Inside a Precious Chest, No. 37.
38: At the summit of the mountain.
39: Floating in mid-air in the stone ring’s middle.
40: Floating over the surface of the sea, close to an ice platform.
41: On a little islet, on a dead pine.
42: Within this islet’s Precious Chest.
43: Collect the Anemograna by riding the wind current and catching it mid-air.
44: Within the narrow rock tunnel.
45: Inside a Valuable Chest Defeat the Hilichurls and Mitachurl defenders of the Hilichurls.
46: Floating at the ledge’s top.
47: Inside a Luxurious Chest that will appear if the Snowboar King is defeated.
48: On the other side of the mountain, read the Ragged record. This will result in the spawning of a new Ragged record here. If you investigate it, a chest will spawn.
49: Floating over the hills. Inside a Precious Chest, No.
50. To make it spawn, you must solve the problem.
51: Floating on the cliff’s edge.
52: Inside the Secret Vault’s Precious Chest.
53: Glide from above, floating in the round ruins’ centre.
54: Solve the riddle to drain the water and you’ll get access to the Precious Chest with the Crimson Agate.
55: Floating in the tunnel’s centre.
56: Inside a Valuable Chest
57: On the shattered tower’s summit.
58: On a ledge beneath the summit. Bear in mind that you will not be able to view it from the ground level through the minimap.
59: Suspended from a shattered bridge.
60: Inside a Luxurious Chest that will spawn once the Frostarm Lawachurl is defeated.

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#61-80 Find Crimson Agate Locations in Genshin Impact

Crimson Agate Locations

61: Atop a collapsed pillar.
62: After thawing out the second set of three Ancient Rimes for the quest “In the Mountains,” inside a closed Luxurious Chest at the Domain entrance.
63: After unlocking the domain, use the Anemo Pedestal to access the Crimson Agate perched atop the floating structure.
64: Floating in mid-air at the other end of the peak, at the end of the line of boosters given by the Anemo Totem.
65: Atop a stone pillar resting against the side of a mountain.
66: Floating over the surface of the water.
67: Inside a chest that has been secured behind a fence. Melt the Ancient Rime at the second opening button to disclose it.
68: Near the Anemo Totem, at the summit of the ruin.
69: In the top level of the caves, beneath the stone bridge.
70: Directly between the Starglow Cavern’s large granite pillars.
71: On the summit of the mountain, inside a Precious Chest.
72: Easily visible on the ascent, beside a torch.
73: Floating directly beneath the stone bridge at the cavern’s exit.
74: Floating alongside a mountain.
75: Glide down from a ledge at the summit of the mountain to see it.
76: Within the confines of a closed Precious Chest. To unlock it, you must complete the Combat Trial.
77: You may either strike or stand on a piece of breakable ice until it cracks.
78: Feed the foxes in the surrounding camp for a few days and a chest with the Crimson Agate will appear.
79: Inside the Palace Treasure Room’s Precious Chest.
80: Glide to the summit of the mountain or utilize an Anemo current to reach it.

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