The Best

12+ Best Free Plagiarism Checker Online To Try

Free Plagiarism Checker Online To Try: Information is an essential part of knowledge, and information is now ubiquitous. It can be found in books or on the internet. Therefore, all of the world’s knowledge is only a click away. Copying or stealing someone’s information or content without their consent is unacceptable. It is a form of theft, and all forms of theft should be punished. I meant to add that it is a felony in and of itself if I copy content or portions of an article created and published by someone else without their consent.

When writing an essay or a guide for a website or blog, it may be necessary to consult a reference work. However, it does not imply that one may copy and publish the entire work as their own. Sometimes the copy may have a mistake or share the same writing style as someone else. Therefore, I have tried to explain the Best Free Online Plagiarism Checker with Percentage. How can we find whether the article you created is authentic and unique? Several online plagiarism checkers can assist you in identifying the problem and resolving it.

What Is Plagiarism?

The precise concept of plagiarism might vary from person to person. We may sum up plagiarism as: It is the act of copying and publishing as one’s own the published or unpublished works of another copy or content producer from a paper or digital source.

Types Of Common Plagiarism

We must first understand plagiarism to prevent or remove it from our content. There are numerous types of plagiarism, and I will list some of the most common types here:

Direct Plagiarism

Direct plagiarism refers to the act of copying from the writings of another. Normal instances include copying without quotation marks and word-for-word from various sources.

Complete Plagiarism

Complete plagiarism is the most egregious form of plagiarism. It means copying a writer’s or researcher’s whole work (manuscript or study) and publishing it under someone else’s name. It resembles intellectual theft.

Paraphrasing says it is “the most prevalent type of plagiarism.” Publishing someone else’s writing with slight modifications is called paraphrasing. It is a work of rewriting the article while keeping most of the original content.

Self Or Auto Plagiarism

Duplication is another term for Self or Auto Plagiarism. It occurs when the content of prior publications is copied without citation.

Accidental Plagiarism

When an article is copied accidentally or carelessly, it is considered accidental plagiarism. Mistakes or negligence cannot be used as an excuse for stealing another person’s work. It also constitutes plagiarism and theft.

Does Plagiarism Affect The SEO Of Your Website?

The answer is “yes.” It will undoubtedly affect the reputation of your website. Google and other search engines quickly detect duplicate content. A system is activated when the SEO determines that your work is a copy of another work. Your website’s ranking falls as a result. Your content will not appear on the first page of search results. Plagiarism also causes Google to penalize your website, meaning that if you have a particular number of plagiarised pages, Google may prohibit or block your website.

Every website is automatically ranked by SEO. The top-ranked websites are displayed on the first page of the search interface when a topic is searched. When SEO or Google AI detects duplicate content, your website’s rank will drop. You will get fewer visits to your page. You’ll make almost little from adverts and deals. You have failed this site. Remember that plagiarism is a complete no in SEO. Publish only original and genuine content. Never resort to copying and stealing another person’s work.

Methods To Prevent Plagiarism

1 – Do not copy and paste the text. Understand the topic and write independently.

2 – If you must copy a quote from an author or book, use quotation marks or cite the original author/source.

3 – Use citations if you must copy a substantial part of another author’s published work.

4 – Utilize an online plagiarism checker or software that detects plagiarism. (This guide will help you find the best plagiarism checker.)

Checker For Plagiarism And Content Similarity Detection

It is the process or method of finding instances of plagiarism in written works. When we talk of the online plagiarism checker, we are referring to an online tool that helps detect instances of content plagiarism. When you submit a piece of writing to a plagiarism AI detector, the software searches the entire web for possible matches. It is similar to how you conduct a Google search but somewhat more difficult. Every free online plagiarism checker examines the internet for similarities between your work and published material. The software for detecting plagiarism operates in the same manner.

12+ Best Free Plagiarism Checker Online

I’ve evaluated several online plagiarism checkers and compiled a list of the top free online plagiarism checkers with percentages. Some enable you to check an infinite number of words, while others may place a limit on the number of words. So let’s start the guide:


1. Plagiarism Checker By Website SEO Checker

Plagiarism Checker by Website SEO Checker is a plagiarism checker designed for copywriters and content writers. However, it is beneficial for every content writer. As a content writer, I utilize this site frequently. This plagiarism checker with percentage will provide an exact percentage result. This free tool searches the whole internet to provide the most accurate results. If there is any plagiarised content, the site will show the source and the proportion copied (in percentage). There are no registration or fillable forms.

Website SEO Checker’s Plagiarism Checker is free to use. Although it does not support an unlimited number of word searches, it allows users to check any article containing up to 10,000 words. This number is sufficient for any website content. It spans over 40 pages. I believe that is plenty for any content writer. Unlike some other plagiarism checkers, this one does not allow you to edit your content on the page. In addition, it does not mark which part of the content was plagiarised. It simply shows the percentage of material copied from another source.

Aside from that, this plagiarism checker software is the best of its kind. Website SEO Checker’s Plagiarism Checker provides users with approximately 100 percent accurate findings. This tool for detecting plagiarism is safe and safeguards the privacy of its users. It does not save any of the content you looked for or saw. The algorithm is highly effective at doing its assigned tasks. You are guaranteed to be satisfied with the service.

2. Grades Fixer

Grades Fixer is a free online checker for students to check for plagiarism. It is one of the best percentage based plagiarism checkers. Students are the primary audience for Grades Fixer; however, anybody may profit from the service. This free tool identifies all instances of plagiarism quickly and reliably. It is user-easy. To check for plagiarism, you may paste your work into the designated area or drag and drop the .docx or .pdf file. It is without cost. There is no registration required. Accepting their cookies is sufficient to start the process. 10- 15 seconds are required to complete the procedure. They provide the highest quality check for any plagiarised content.

Grades Fixer does a thorough search for plagiarism. Grades Fixer also recognizes the original content and shows it in the report, which is a nice thing. It may be used as a plagiarism detector. It enables editing in real-time. Therefore, if there is plagiarised content, it is simple to edit and research. It also offers the user a detailed report. So that you may check the percentage of your essay that is plagiarised, you can also hire a writer on Grades Fixer to write and remove any instances of plagiarism from your content. There are numerous online plagiarism detectors, but Grades Fixer is one of the best. You can use this free online checker to check your writing for instances of plagiarism.

3. Studyclerk

Studyclerk is the best online percentage based plagiarism checker. They provide a search option for 4000 words for your writing. You can simply copy and paste your content or essay on the page to check for plagiarised content. Check your file by importing it from your device (.pdf, .doc, .txt, .rtf, .docx, .odt). They safeguard your privacy and content security. This online tool for detecting plagiarism does not save your content on its server. Therefore, there is no possibility of content theft from your website. After checking for plagiarised content, the website displays the percentage and specific results. The website is accessible 24/7 from any device. The site is mobile-friendly, so you may quickly access it on a mobile device. You’re not required to fill out any forms or register in the form to use Studyclerk.

The Studyclerk plagiarism detector is user-easy. No complex tasks or obnoxious ads are visible. It does not restrict the limit of words its users can use. The site is reliable for finding any plagiarised content. It will provide an overview of your search. One to five minutes are required to complete the procedure. Studyclerk is quite reliable when it comes to detecting plagiarised content. They claim to search the entirety of the internet for similar content. Studyclerk is an outstanding free online plagiarism checker that provides a percentage. It is beneficial for students, professors, and all content writers. In your literary assignments, Studyclerk’s plagiarism detection work will be useful.


The SEO TOOLS KIT’s advanced plagiarism checker is the most effective plagiarism checker, allowing users to search up to ten thousand words for instances of duplicate content. It is completely free of cost. There is no need to sign or fill out a form. However, you will be required to prove that you are not a robot by completing a re-captcha picture. The maximum limit of words per search is 10000. You may copy and paste your content. Like no online plagiarism checker, you cannot upload your file. Unfortunately, you cannot make changes while the checking is occurring.

The SEO TOOLS KIT does not support edits. The report that the advanced plagiarism checker of SEO TOOLS KIT generates is detailed. The result indicates the percentage of uniqueness of your content. Although it marks the matched content, the source is not displayed. Any article you check on the site is safe and secure. Your content is not stored on the server. The site’s design is simple and eye-catching. Ad blockers eliminate irritating ads. It may request that you disable your ad blocker, but you may still browse the site without doing so. This free online tool might assist you in the long term to ensure that your content is original.

5. Eduzaurus

Eduzaurus is a percentage based online plagiarism detector. It is a free service that assists users in identifying plagiarised content. To use Eduzaurus, you are not required to fill out a registration form or subscribe to a plan. They claim that they will compare your content to over 10 million resources. It is quite user-easy. The site’s design is appealing. The options and tools are structured efficiently. The result is displayed in detail. A list of potential matches between the content and additional sources is presented. There is no need to install plugins or software. It works best on a PC but also on any mobile device. The free tool for detecting plagiarism is fast at doing its function. There are no distracting ads.

The Eduzaurus detector also shows a percentage based plagiarism risk score. You can copy and paste your content or upload a file to check for plagiarism. They support the file formats .pdf, .doc, .txt, .rtf, .docx, .odt. You may check a plagiarism scan on up to 19,900 characters (3,500 words). The report identifies content matched with other sources and provides the source’s URL. You may repeatedly search without concern and obtain the ideal result. You can download the report as a PDF file if you prefer. So utilize Eduzaurus to get 100% unique content and increase your worth as a content writer. This may be the end of your search for a free plagiarism checker for 3000 words.

6. Paper Ratter

It is a percentage based checker for plagiarism. There are both free and paid versions of Paper Rater. The free edition allows users to search for up to 4,500 words per query. You may search an infinite number of searches with the premium version. The site is user-easy. The detection procedure is quick, and the results are displayed as percentages. You may copy and paste your article into the site or upload it as a file.

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Paper Rater supports all prevalent digital doc formats. A search takes less than one minute to complete. This free online tool can also be used to check for other types of writing errors. The level of precision is adequate for daily use. It will be of great benefit to high school and college students to detect any instances of plagiarism in their papers. The website’s design is equally captivating. You may choose to print your report if desired. To use the site, copy and paste or upload your file, then click the terms of service and the ‘Get Report’ option. In a minute, you will receive your percentage result. Paper Rater is probably one of the best free online percentage based plagiarism checkers.

7. Small SEO Tools – Plagiarism Checker

Small SEO Tools – Plagiarism Checker is a completely free plagiarism checker. Well, this free tool allows you to search for up to three thousand words. This tool delivers precise percentages of how much of your content is unique and how much is plagiarised. It will highlight in red the portion that matches other sources. However, it does not show the source. Small SEO Tools – Plagiarism Checker can be accessed without filling out forms or registering. You can either copy and paste your writing or upload a file. The file may be uploaded in txt, PDF, RTF, Docx, doc, and odt formats. You may also submit a URL to check for plagiarism. You can share your plagiarism report with your friends using the share button.

The plagiarism detection internet compares your content to over a billion online sources. This tool is remarkable in that it supports several languages. Each sentence is checked for correctness by the plagiarism detector to provide you with the best possible result. As a result, the plagiarism checker works relatively more quickly. You can also rewrite plagiarised content using this plagiarism checker. Small SEO Tools – Plagiarism Checker is reliable and technologically advanced enough to solve all of our issues about the uniqueness of your content and remove plagiarism.

8. Papers Owl

Next up on the list is Papers Owl. It is a percentage based checker for plagiarism. The use of Papers Owl is free. It imposes a limit of 19,900 characters ( 3,500 words) for every search on its users. No registration is required to use this plagiarism detector. The tool provides detailed results. It marks the copy content in red. The percentage indicates the source. You may view the percentage of content copied from a source. The accuracy level of Papers owl is fairly high. You may copy and paste your article into the site or upload it as a file.

Papers Owl enables users to check PDF, DOC, DOCX, text, and RTF documents. If you paste the text, you may edit it. You may utilize this tool indefinitely. The site is free of advertisements. You must include a title on your check. Consider that they will save your article on their server for future usage. It means readers may compare comparisons if someone else publishes content similar to yours. This is done to increase their accuracy. Anyone may use Papers owl to increase the quality of their writing.

9. Peachy Essay Plagiarism Checker

Peachy Essay Plagiarism Checker is a free, online, percentage based plagiarism detector with no word limit. This plagiarism checker helps you to check infinite content for instances of plagiarism. The site is secure to use. But I am not satisfied with this tool’s degree of precision. It is ideal for everyday usage. However, for a professional, it may fall short of expectations. The result is pretty detailed. It shows the extent to which your content is plagiarised. You can use this tool to complete your detection of plagiarism. There are no required forms or captchas.

The Peachy Essay Plagiarism Checker is completely free. A search takes less than five minutes to complete. The Peachy Essay Plagiarism Checker allows users to simply paste the content on the site to check for plagiarised content. First, choose the type of article you are submitting for a type and enter the title. Then, copy and paste the content and click “Check my essay.” After completing its task, the tool will provide you with the result in plain text.

10. ChecSEO

ChecSEO is the next company on our list. This is another SEO tool that helps content authors to check their online content. This free online tool for detecting plagiarism has a word limit of 3000 per search. Copy (ctrl+c) and paste (ctrl+v) the article, then click the check button to see whether it contains plagiarised content. It takes between 10 seconds and three minutes to complete a check, depending on the total number of words. After the process is complete, this free tool for detecting plagiarism shows the percentage of your content that is unique.

The report is shown in a tabular format on the site. In the display, the portion that has been matched to another source is presented. However, it does not show the source. ChecSEO does not show the user where a match was discovered. ChecSEO only displays plagiarised content as “Already Exists.” Aside from this, the site accurately detects duplicate content. During a test search, it appeared to be between 93% and 95% accurate; however, they claim to be 100% accurate. ChecSEO is a practical tool that can be used to check 3000 words for plagiarism.

11. Copyleaks

Copyleaks is a free online plagiarism checker that provides a percentage. It is among the most well-regarded plagiarism checkers. The free version of this plagiarism detector checks up to 2,500 words, as it is primarily a paid tool. Consider subscribing to the commercial edition if you want an online plagiarism checker that displays a percentage and has no word limit. However, we will focus mostly on the free features here. To use the free version of Copyleaks, you will need to register. It has sophisticated plagiarism detection driven by advanced AI technologies.

Copyleaks is the only tool in this guide capable of producing 99% accurate results. This free edition of Copyleaks provides you with a comprehensive report of your check. With the assistance of this tool, you may even compare your documents. You may search for text in over a hundred different languages. This tool can detect various forms of plagiarism, including match, paraphrasing, and more. You may either paste content or upload a file for detection. This online plagiarism checker supports numerous file extensions (PDF, Docx, and more). You may use our plagiarism detector to make your article legitimate and 100% unique.

12. Dream Its Advanced Plagiarism Checker

If you’re seeking a free plagiarism checker for 3000 words, Advanced Plagiarism Checker by Dream might be your best option. It is a free online tool for detecting plagiarism. The site is user-friendly and easy. You may copy and paste your article to search for plagiarism. Also of great quality is the result of outcomes. It provides the percentage of your content’s uniqueness. It will highlight in red the portion that matches another source. However, the user is not shown the source. The level of precision of our free plagiarism remover is fairly high.

This plagiarism detector is part of’s collection of SEO tools. They are aware that an article is the primary asset of a site. So they do their best to provide you with a respectable plagiarism detector. The maximum limit of words per search permitted by this tool is 3000. You are unable to edit and check the content. However, you may check your content as frequently as you choose. You can correct the content in an editing program such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs and check for any instances of plagiarism. Use our plagiarism detector to remove any instances of perfect plagiarism from the article.

13. The SEO TOOLS – Plagiarism Checker

The SEO TOOLS – plagiarism checker is another percentage based plagiarism checker. There is a limit of 2,000 words per search using this free tool. To find a match, you may copy and paste your content or upload the document file (.doc/.docx/.pdf/.txt). They support file uploads from Dropbox. You may type the URL of your content to find a percentage result. There is no need to register or sign up. You must prove that you are not a robot by completing an image verification to search (captcha). There are several photos and pop-up ads on the website, which may be annoying. The search result is displayed as a percentage.

The SEO TOOLS – plagiarism checker shows the uniqueness of your content as a percentage and the percentage of duplicate content. You receive a sentence-by-sentence result, making it easy to identify the problem. The user may check the matched result and rewrite the article using this free tool. In addition, the SEO TOOLS – plagiarism checker shows the matched content’s source. This site is simple and easy to use. You will have no problem navigating it.

14. Search Engine Plagiarism Checker

The percentage provided by the Search engine plagiarism checker will write you in writing 100 percent unique content. This tool is free without cost. You are not required to sign in or subscribe to any plan. You may either paste your content or upload the document file to find a match. They support file uploads from Dropbox. You may also type the URL of your content to find a percentage result. This detector shows the percentage of plagiarised content. It also shows the percentage of uniqueness of your content. You can check the search limit of 2000 words.

The plagiarism checker search engine may compare duplicate content with similar sources. You receive sentence-wise results. So it is easy to identify the source of the problem. You may check the matched result. Not every plagiarism detector has this function. You can consult the source to correct and improve your writing. This free tool enables the user to rewrite the article. Thus, it also functions as a plagiarism detector. You can download the report following the check so that you can correct corrections to your work at a later date if you so want. This plagiarism detection software has a high level of precision. This tool may be used freely for your content writing projects.

15. Plagiarismsoftware

Although limits search to 1500 words, it is one of my favorite plagiarism detectors for presenting results. This tool shows the category results in percentage form. You will be informed of the percentage of your content that has been checked, what percentage of the article is unique and what proportion is plagiarised. The site features advertisements, but there are fewer of them. You can paste your content or upload your file. It supports .doc, .docx, .pdf, and .txt documents.

You can also upload a URL to check for duplicate content. In addition to a plagiarism check, the same tool provides a grammatical check. Best in the category is the free online plagiarism checker with a percentage. You may view the sources to which your content corresponds. You may thus alter your content or credit the original author. The copied content is highlighted in red. It shows the percentage of plagiarised lines. The result is visible considerably faster than on other sites. It is free to use, and no sign-up or registration is needed. Use to detect and remove instances of plagiarism.


For a website, plagiarism is like a gradual poison. It steadily erodes your site’s credibility. To eliminate duplicate content, you can use any percentage based plagiarism checkers listed above. All of the tools have been examined. They are all unique and the best at what they do. Comment below on the plagiarism checker you find most useful.

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