
8+ Best Pokemon Emerald Cheats For GameShark

Pokemon Emerald Cheats For GameShark: Well, the Pokemon main series games from the 2000s are authentic classics; their replayability is unparalleled. The fact that there is still a sizable player base for vintage Pokemon games is evidence of their replayability. With the development of the best Pokemon emulators for mobile phones, the player base has only grown in recent years; as a result, many younger players have discovered the joys of Pokemon main series games and begun catching and battling their Pokemon. Pokemon Emerald is an example of a game from this golden period.

Hoenn, where Pokemon Emerald takes place, is home to many new and fascinating Pokemon. Well, unlike the second and first generations of Pokemon, Emerald completely diverged from the story arc by adopting an altogether new gameplay style. Pokemon Emerald is still enjoyable, but our attention spans have gotten so short that we cannot even wait 15 seconds to conclude. Emulators address this problem by providing a speed-up option, but what about the forgotten features from the past?

Some Pokemon only develop when traded, and others are difficult to capture. To resolve this issue, you can use cheats. These Pokemon Emerald cheats are compatible with your emulator, allowing you to enjoy the game more than ever. The cheats on the list are GameShark cheats; more on it in the subsequent part. There are some small dangers involved with using cheats on your emulator, but don’t panic; in the next section, we describe the best practices to follow to have a healthy game save file that won’t become corrupted even if you add several cheats! Therefore, let’s examine the best Pokemon Emerald cheats!

What Exactly Is GameShark?

If you’re new to Pokemon cheats, you may not be familiar with the term “GameShark” before we get deeper into the list. GameShark is a tool used on gaming consoles to do actions that the game does not permit. For instance, acquiring an item or rewatching cutscenes.

In the day, devices like the GameShark were highly regarded, particularly for the Game Boy and the PS1. This is because these devices let you perform many interesting things with your console. In modern times, however, when practically every Pokemon fan is playing via an emulator, you may use our cheat code without the device itself.

Activating many cheats at once; if the cheats are incompatible, it might cause the game to crash. Make careful to make numerous save files just in case. The codes provided below have been tried and tested; however, it is prudent to take precautions.

1. Shiny Encounters

Shiny Pokemon are rare Pokemon with colors distinct from their species. Typically, a Zubat is blue; however, a shiny Zubat is green in color. This subtle color change is difficult to catch, but this cheat makes it easier.

How To Use – Before catching the Pokemon, deactivate the standard cheat; this prevents a bug in the Pokemon’s name.

Code – F3A9A86D 4E2629B4

18452A7D DDE55BCC

2. Wild Pokemon Modifier

Next on our list of Pokemon Emerald cheats is the Wild Pokemon Modifier! This cheat will enable you to catch any Pokemon in any region, eliminating the need to scour the Hoenn region for your favorite Pokemon. You must enter both the master code and the Pokemon code.

Master Code – D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

A86CDBA5 19BA49B3


Pokemon Codes –

Pokemon Emerald Cheats

3. Infinite Rare Candies

Pokemon level-up potions are rare candies. You no longer have to grind and increase random Pokemon in the grass to level up your Pokemon. These rare candies will automatically raise your Pokemon’s level by one if you give them to them. You will have endless rare candies if you use this cheat, giving you the means to become the strongest trainer in Hoen! This is one of the most frequently used cheats in Pokemon Emerald.

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4. Wild Pokemon Level Modifier

Depending on where you find them, wild Pokemon might be rather weak. If you return to your starting town, the Pokemon there will be so weak that you can knock out many of them with a single attack; this is often how overpowered you get after defeating gym leaders. This cheat allows you to train harder by enabling you to control the level at which wild Pokemon appear. However, this is one of the most extensive Pokemon Emerald cheats available.

How To Use – Enter the master code and then the level

Master Code – B749822B CE9BFAC1 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

Code –

Pokemon Emerald Cheats

5. No Random Battles

Nearly every route and city in the game contains random trainers. It becomes so monotonous that you want to skip them completely, but you can’t. Battling them is crucial to your level, but if you persist in fighting them, this code should assist you.

Code – B505DB41 6E39EA4E

6. Infinite Money

Who doesn’t like money, especially when it can be used to purchase many super repels and potions to help you complete the game more quickly and with less frustration? This cheat adds a limitless amount of money to your account, so you never have to compete with random strangers for cash on the road. This is certainly one of the most entertaining Pokemon Emerald cheats to use, as nobody likes saving up for game things.

Code – D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 


1C7B3231 B494738C 

C051CCF6 975E8DA1

7. Catch Pokemon From Other Trainers

This cheat will allow you to find the Pokemon of other trainers; this may be extremely handy when fighting an opponent with an extremely rare and hard-to-catch Pokemon. In addition, the cheat is simple to apply and allows you to skip the grinding process required to acquire a Pokemon by capturing other players.

How To Use – Before tossing a Pokeball, you must simultaneously press L and R.

Code – B6C5368A 08BE8FF4 

B8D95CFE 06ED6EA1 

E151C402 8A229A83 

8E883EFF 92E9660D

8. Unlimited Master Balls In PC

Master balls are the pinnacle of all balls in the Pokemon franchise; they can capture nearly every known Pokemon. If you’re as lazy as I am, you could use this ball to capture every Pokemon you see. However, master balls are rare, so why not employ a cheat that allows you to catch every Pokemon by transferring an endless number of master balls to your computer? This is by far one of our favorite cheats for Pokemon Emerald.

Code – B749822B CE9BFAC1 

A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 

Master Code – B749822B CE9BFAC1 

A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

9. 1st Pokemon Max Stats

With this cheat, you will become so overpowered that no one will be able to defeat you and your starting.

How To Use – Activate all codes simultaneously.

Code –

HP Max – 35A039FD B90C0C5B 

Attack Max – 973FBE3F EDC8200D 

Defense Max – 979050AE 6F56B497 

SP Attack Max – E9B89F9D C73B5749 

SP Defense Max – DBC9F375 30D76D78 

Speed Max – 35B2E18D FC573426

10. Walk Through Walls

These Pokemon Emerald cheats will enable you to access the unlocked portions of the game and explore locations that not even the game’s creators could have imagined. In addition, the ability to walk through walls will make your journey easier and your gameplay more pleasurable.

Code – 7881A409 E2026E0C

8E883EFF 92E9660D


7881A409 E2026E0C 

C56CFACA DC167904

Conclusion: Pokemon Emerald Cheats For GameShark

And there you’ve it, an overview of our 8+ best Pokemon Emerald Cheats of the year, all of which may be executed on your emulator to increase your gaming experience. If you want further instructions or even a look at Pokemon Fire Red cheats, read our other articles!

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